Logo DEKO Dental Noordhove


Emergency Dentist Zoetermeer

You can go to the emergency dentist of Deko Dental in Zoetermeer when you experience severe pain and it is not possible to wait for treatment until the next day. The team of Deko Dental is ready to help you quickly and professionally. Feel free to call us to make an appointment; we will do our utmost to serve you as soon as possible.

Within opening hours

Outside our regular opening hours, during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and during official holidays, public holidays and school holidays, we work together with the emergency service Dental365 Spoed Tandarts Zoetermeer. Voor alle pijnklachten en/of spoedgevallen die niet kunnen wachten tot de volgende werkdag kunt u zich wenden tot Dental365 Zoetermeer op tel: 085 – 10 50 750.

Outside opening hours